The San Francisco City Team exists to help local churches develop local missions

EFCA West and EFCA Western districts asked ReachGlobal to partner together to strengthen church planting in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The cities of San Francisco, Berkeley and Oakland comprise about 1.5 million people. Many churches are engaged in missional efforts with effective pastoral leadership, but the need is significant.

The goal of the San Francisco City Team is to increase gospel ministries and disciplemaking directly tied to the local church in four strategic areas.


Multiply evangelists in the local church through training, mentoring and supporting them in public spaces

Pre-church Planting

Place current-day missionaries in neighborhoods for outreach before a church plant

Contextual Research

Study local contextual matters affecting gospel understanding and identify opportunities for gospel ministries

Public Discipleship

Assist the local church in equipping disciples to face post-Christian challenges to express the gospel

Our hope is to see the church flourish in the Bay Area through a spirit of collaboration and establishing the Church where the gospel isn’t known.

"Often church planters like me enter a city seeking to reap before sowing seeds and looking for growth before watering. ReachGlobal San Francisco is positioned to mobilize prayer warriors to prepare the soil for a church plant in the hard soil of the Bay Area. With wisdom gained from what they have seen God do overseas, they have the experience and heart to reach the unreached in the Bay Area."

Matt Moore, EFCA Western District Superintendent

Stories and Resources

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"Through the San Francisco Initiative, God is bringing together servant leaders, working in cooperation with one another, to help people find Jesus and to see His church flourish. The collaboration of ReachGlobal and ReachNational ministries is unique and will bring glory to God as disciplemaking relationships are cultivated inside and outside the church."

Dean Mayeda, EFCA West District, Church Multiplication

Are You Ready to Join Us?

The San Francisco City Team is looking to mobilize 10 partner churches to support launching the team, recruit 20 staff to serve (both long- and short-term) in San Francisco and lay the groundwork for five new church plants in the San Francisco Bay Area before 2028.

Join Our Team

We are seeking men and women interested in developing relationships with those who aren't Christians. You will benefit from practical training and individual mentoring. We welcome full-time missionaries and bi-vocational roles.

Make a Donation

Please consider making a gift to support our ministry in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Become a Church Partner

Enlist your church to partner with us financially and in prayer.

Pray for Us

Prayer teams and individuals are invited to pray for our team. You will receive regular communication via email.

Contact Us

San Francisco City Team

Contact us to learn more about our team or any interest you have in supporting this mission effort.

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