Though the Middle East and North Africa remain largely unreached with the gospel, God is at work in the region and people are interested in Jesus like never before
But most people in the Middle East will go their entire lives without ever meeting a genuine Christian.
Relationship building is the foundation of ministry in the Middle East: friends showing friends how to follow Jesus. We work closely with local believers to establish new churches where the gospel isn't known.
ReachGlobal is committed to the spread of the gospel in the Middle East, and that's why we are looking for people to join our team and invest in the people there.
Through learning their language, understanding their lives and praying for opportunities to share the gospel, we seek to build community and make disciples in this receptive environment.
With trainings we offer to prepare you for your time in the field, you don't need to speak the right language or have the right degree to serve in MENA. You will be supported by teammates who share your passion and equipped with training that will enable you to live, work, and thrive here.
Fruitful ministry is the result of investing your life in people. We would love to help you discover where the Lord is leading you.
Ministries, Resources and Stories

Serve in the Middle East/North Africa
Service positions with the EFCA (Evangelical Free Church of America).

Apex Missions

Beirut, Lebanon Response
On August 4, 2020, a massive explosion tore through Beirut, the capital of Lebanon.

Debunking Ministry Myths in the Middle East — EFCA Blog
Learning from missionaries who serve the Muslim world